Complete Medical Billing Solutions, LLC
Our credentialing services includes:
Identify, complete, and submit medical credentialing and re-credentialing applications
Annual medical credentialing monitoring and maintenance
We will let you know when you need to re-credential
Add or Remove providers
Status Research
100% accuracy – we understand the process
Competitive Pricing
Personalized Service: Your own dedicated credentialing specialist available via phone or Email (8 am-5 pm M-F)
All major commercial, government, and state payers + EFT
Cost analysis
Consolidate your applications or do one payer at a time
Obtain your NPI or add a provider to a group NPI
Much more!
We credential with all payers:
Commercial Insurance Provider Enrollment and Credentialing (ie. Aetna, Anthem, BCBS, CIGNA, TriCare, Humana, UnitedHealthcare, Many More!)
Medicare and Medicaid Credentialing & Revalidation
CAQH Registration
NPI Registration (Type I and Type II)
Reimbursement Issues
Managed Care Contracting Issues
Hospital Privileging